One of the mounds we worked like a micro site
Ron had spoken of the "channel deposit" last year and the beginning of this week. He has worked it with the owner and found it to be very fun. Meaning...lots of teeth and claws, oh my! As always I tried to temper my expectations, but I tend to be hopeful and optimistic. We met Ron at the cafe around 8am and Laurel drove with him and I followed them in the Subaru. The channel deposit is on a ranch about one hour from Buffalo. The various roads were paved, gravel, and tire tracks on range land. Very typical for this part of the country and the places we need to be to find fossils. Once Ron got us safely to the site and we exchanged phone numbers in case of emergency, he returned to the Tinker site for the day's work.
We had expected to see a band of small fossil material in the wall of the bluff. It turned out that the vein of fossils had been cut away so much that the overburden was getting too heavy and had to be removed. Ted hired a CAT driver to cut away the overburden, which upon inspection it appeared that the wall of the bluff was moved into mounds. Since we did not see any fossils in the exposed wall, we worked the mounds like they were micro sites. We had bought sieves and a trowel on Ron's suggestion for sifting the dirt, but we found that process less efficient.
I must admit, I was in my element. Since we were clearly not going to find large fossils in this location, I could relax and focus on the tiny treasures. (Like I don't have enough). I was concerned Laurel would not find the day appealing, but she never complains and always finds something positive about the experience. By the end of our time there, she was certainly finding assorted small teeth and vertebrae.
It was fun to sit and crawl and lie on the dirt piles and hunt for the small fossil wonders. I was afraid to step from spot to spot before I checked to make sure I was not crushing something special. Having collected on micro sites before, I must say this was a productive site. I did not find any claws (too bad), nor did I find any large teeth (too bad again). That said, I did find 32 Myledaphus bipartitus teeth, 21 crocodile teeth of an amazing size range, 33 Triceratops shed teeth, 50 Gar fish scales, 20 Hadrosaur shed teeth, assorted tiny vertebrae, tiny jaw fragments of fish and reptiles, fragments of other bones, and the prize: a perfect front incisor of a Paranychodon dinosaur. It is 3/4 inch long, has beautiful enamel and an unusual shape, somewhat triangular with vertical grooves on the flat narrow surface. I did not identify it at the time, but Steve knew immediately what it was, and that Rob would love to see it. Maybe I will bring it with me next year.
We took a short break for lunch and enjoyed the scenery. Laurel received a call from one of her daughters in Newport Beach. We both marveled at the wonder of being able to receive cell phone service out in the badlands. Actually better reception than in our motel rooms. We continued to look for more fossils after lunch and then decided we needed a change of scenery. I hated to leave such a great spot, but also knew it would be good to try our luck in the lowlands. At some point you just have to stop looking at the ground and pack away your supplies, and start walking up the hill. Wow! That was fun!
A view of the channel deposit site from the car before we walked down into the exposure.
View of badlands from the car before we climbed down
We hated to leave this ranch without a quick look around below the channel deposit site. We drove to a likely spot where we could climb down safely and access what might be fruitful exposures. We gave ourselves about 90 minutes, which is hardly worthwhile in fossil prospecting terms, but since we were expected for dinner at the ranch manager's house, we couldn't be out too late.
After two unsuccessful attempts, we finally found a relative easy path down into the badlands. We walked around and up and down always keeping an eye open for fossil spills, or any telltale signs of fossils. Laurel found a few scraps of turtle and nearby I found a Triceratops shed tooth. The weather was cool, which was such a relief after the heat of Wednesday, and makes fossil hunting more pleasant.
Since we did not want to be out too long, we decided to return to the car. Though we continued to look for fossils on the way back, the only thing I found were three pieces of broken crocodile scute, and Laurel struck out. Always a beautiful place to be even if your fossil collecting bags are empty. "Tomorrow's another day".
A typical view of what we look at as we walk. Though there may be a fossil in this image (not), there is a tiny blue flower that I thought deserved a photo. Hope you can find it. The flower is about 1/4 inch across.
Interesting formations
The return drive to Buffalo allowed us to view the beautiful scenery in the clear evening light with the suggestion in the western sky of a rain storm coming our way. At one point in the hour ride back, our way was blocked by a herd of cows. They generally walk out of the way as the vehicle approaches. We took the opportunity to take a few up close photos of the moms and calves.
Posing for an impromptu portrait
Once we reached town, we stopped at the Cenex convenience store so I could pick up a cardboard box in which to pack fossils to send home on Friday. We saw Dante, Irina and Jeff (students) who gleefully informed us that significant fossils were finally found on the site. Vertebrae, rib and a Nano tooth were just a few of the goodies. Oh my gosh were they excited, elated and relieved. Such good news for everyone, but especially for Ron.
The generous invitation to dinner at the ranch house on the "Tinker" ranch allowed us some social time with our fellow dinosaur fossil enthusiasts. Fred's wife Karen cooked a wonderful dinner for everyone. Hard working students are eager and appreciative diners. Karen included an invitation to visit and/or ride the horses after dinner.
Laurel and I arrived a little later than most, and the available seats were at the kitchen table with the writer and photographer, and eventually Steve. As could be anticipated by the earlier good news, everyone's spirits were high. The fossil finds on the site were significant enough to bring sufficient confidence that more would be found the next day. We had questions aplenty about the day's progress and loved hearing the details. Expectations are high for Friday's efforts and we hoped to be part of the work team.
With dark approaching, and a storm, we walked outside to see the chickens and horses on the ranch. Karen served deviled eggs at dinner,and the eggs had been freshly collected from her various breeds of chickens earlier in the day. She has a one year old Morgan stallion who has a beautiful face. We lingered in the paddock for a while watching the horses, but as the storm got closer, and we were tired from our long day, we decided to drive back to the Tipperary. We returned to the house to say our thanks and good nights. The men were around the table in the "three seasons room" sharing stories. I'm not sure they even knew we were there. We slipped away during one of the more rowdy guffaws. Spirits were definitely high!
Below are photographs from the evening: Morgan yearling and antique farm equipment in the fenced yard in front of the ranch house.
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